Are you interested in learning the lyrics of the NYSC Anthem? We’ve got you covered. As you continue reading, we’ll provide information about the NYSC Anthem and present the various stanzas it comprises.

NYSC Anthem Lyrics

NYSC Anthem

The NYSC anthem comprises three (3) stanzas, although presently only the first stanza is sung at NYSC orientation camps.

You have the option to memorize all three (3) stanzas, which could prove useful later on, or you can concentrate on memorizing the most significant stanza, commonly used during orientation camps.

The anthem is sung every morning at 4:00 am during the early hour’s parade before the day’s activities commence.

Ensure to memorize it thoroughly to avoid embarrassment if others are singing and you are unfamiliar with the lyrics.



Youths obey the clarion call

Let us lift our nation high

Under the sun or in the rain

With dedication and selflessness

Nigeria is ours, Nigeria we serve.”


Members, take the great salute

Put the Nation first in all

With service and humility

NYSC for the Noble Youths

Make Nigeria a great nation.”


Far and near we come to serve

And to build our fatherland

With oneness and loyalty

NYSC for unity

Hail Nigeria, our great nation.


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