What Are White Collared Jobs: A white-collar job is often conducted in an office setting and entails clerical, administrative, or management responsibilities. Tech, accountancy, marketing, and consulting are among industries having a high concentration of white-collar occupations. Read on!

What Are White Collared JobsThe phrase “white collar” alludes to the typical white shirts worn by many of these professionals.


What is White Collar?

A white-collar worker is a type of employee who earns higher average wages doing highly skilled work rather than physical labour at their workplace.

Historically, white-collar professionals were the “shirt and tie” set, defined by office occupations and management and without “getting their hands dirty.”

This group of employees differs from blue-collar workers, who used to wear blue shirts and worked in plants, mills, and factories.

Important Notes

  • White-collar workers are generally suit-and-tie employees who work at a desk and avoid manual labour.
  • White-collar occupations are often higher-paying, more-skilled positions that need more education and training than low-skilled or physical labour.
  • Examples include management positions and professions such as physicians and attorneys.
  • White-collar employees and jobs are frequently shown in opposition to blue-collar labour, implying a stratification of the working class.

Understanding White Collar

White-collar workers are generally suit-and-tie employees who work at a desk and avoid physical labour. They often earn more than blue-collar employees.

White-collar employment used to imply a high degree of education and the expectation of a comfortable career with benefits.

The fact that white-collar employment has become the majority working class in the United States and other affluent nations has blurred that division.

Upton Sinclair, an American novelist, is partly responsible for the present use of the term “white collar,” having used it in reference to administrative employment.

The contrasts in connotation between white-collar and blue-collar workers reveal a lot about how we regard the service industry against manufacturing and agriculture.

Typical white-collar positions include, among others, firm management, attorneys, accountants, financial and insurance jobs, consultants, and computer programmers.

Expectations of White-Collar Jobs

White-collar jobs are usually thought of to provide possibilities to move to more important responsibilities as managers or executives.

A white-collar job is also expected to provide greater wages, with the possibility to significantly increase one’s salary with further progress.

These positions are primarily situated in an office; however, some businesses may still demand a field presence.

This is especially true for professionals that interact with clients and consumers on a daily basis or travel to conferences and meetings.

White-collar jobs include solicitors, accountants, architects, bankers, real estate agents, business consultants and brokers.

Though the actual labour is usually not menial, white-collar jobs may demand the professional to work long hours throughout the week as well as on weekends.

Even during vacation and outside of usual business hours, white-collar workers may be required to be on call. They may be part of a company’s high management and hierarchy at the senior level.

White-collar workers are frequently required to gain specialised skills over time, making them increasingly important intellectual assets for the company’s success.

An accountant, for example, may be required to stay current on all legislative changes that may influence how their customers or organisation reports income.

An attorney must stay current on recent judgements and developments in case law that influence their field of expertise. Real estate agents will need to monitor changes in real estate prices and the underlying forces that drive such movements.

What Are White Collared Jobs|10 Common White-Collar Jobs

These white-collar jobs typically require at least an undergraduate degree:

1. Accountant

Accountants oversee budgets, financial transactions, accounts payable and receivable reconciliation, and tax payments and returns.

Accountants also assess and report on the financial health of a corporation. Many accountants seek certification as a certified public accountant in order to specialise and boost their earning potential.

National Average Salary:

  • $53,806 per year

2. Market Researcher

Market researchers’ primary responsibilities include gathering and testing market data. They give advertising campaign recommendations based on their analysis of a certain market.

These professionals may work for a for-profit, non-profit, or government organisation.

National Average Salary:

  • $62,886

3. Health Services Administrator

A health services administrator is in charge of the day-to-day operations of healthcare institutions such as hospitals. This individual is in charge of health records, budgets, timetables, and policies.

Most healthcare managers oversee all personnel in a facility, including the creation of schedules and job descriptions.

National Average Salary:

  • $70,677 per year

4. Executive Director

An executive director is in charge of the company’s strategic planning. This involves creating business strategies, coordinating fundraising efforts, assessing marketing efforts, and appointing leadership.

National Average Salary:

  • $74,523.

5. Civil Engineer

Civil engineers design, construct, and maintain structures and infrastructure. Their responsibilities may include bridges, motorways, trains, power plants, and water systems.

Civil engineers must have a bachelor’s degree at a minimum, however, many go on to get a master’s degree. Most organisations need civil engineers to get a professional engineer licence in their respective states.

National Average Salary:

  • $79,729 per year

6. Attorney

In legal processes, solicitors represent their clients. They may be involved in either civil or criminal matters.

Document preparation, argument development, and counselling clients on the best course of action are all responsibilities.

To practise law, solicitors must have a Juris Doctorate and pass their state’s bar examination.

National Average Salary:

  • $89,307 per year

7. Software Developer National

A software engineer’s primary responsibilities include creating, implementing, and maintaining software solutions.

Testing and debugging software, designing unique platforms, and programming new code are all part of the job.

Software engineers can work in a range of sectors or as freelancers.

National Average Salary:

  • $105,348


8. Physician

A physician examines people, diagnoses health issues, and creates treatment strategies. This medical practitioner may order and interpret diagnostic tests, administer drugs, and provide patients with health-management advice.

To practise, a physician must graduate from an authorised medical school and pass a licencing test. Many people opt to specialise in areas like cardiology or neurology.

National Average Salary:

  • $196,424 per year

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