How to Cancel Youtube TV, because of the recent price increase, have you been thinking about canceling your YouTube TV subscription? Learn how to cancel your YouTube TV subscription while you consider other options and how to cancel it by following the instructions below.

How to Cancel Youtube TV

Whether you signed up for a YouTube free trial to watch one show, or you have been using it for months, you can always cancel your subscription at any time.

However, you will need a computer or smartphone to undergo the process.

How to Cancel Youtube TV

Check how to use an iPhone, Android, and youtube app to cancel a Youtube TV subscription:

Using iPhone:

You must use your device’s web browser and navigate to in order to cancel your YouTube subscription on an iPhone.

Then select the profile icon to access your settings, and membership, and cancel your membership.

Using an Android

1. Click on Cancel at the bottom. Make sure not to click Pause Membership.

2. Pick your reason for canceling.

3. Select Continue Canceling. You don’t need to answer any text to continue.

4. On the next screen, select Cancel Membership.

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How to Cancel or Pause Your YouTube TV Membership

You can pause your membership at any time. When you cancel or pause your membership, you’ll still have access to YouTube TV until the end of your payment period.

Canceling YouTube TV does not immediately remove your access to the service unless you are in a free trial.

If you cancel during a free trial, you’ll lose access to YouTube TV (including any add-ons) immediately upon cancellation.

If you’d like to cancel and remove access to YouTube TV right away, get in touch with our support team.

How to Cancel Your Membership

1. Open the YouTube TV app on your Android device, or go to tv. youtube. on a web browser.

2. Select your profile photo.

3. Go to Settings and then Membership.

4. Click Manage.

5. Click Cancel membership and then cancel.

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