Do Employers Check References: Employers do check references at some point during the hiring process when considering candidates for open positions. Although not all companies will do so, you should handle your references as though your possible employer will do so, so that you are well prepared if they do. Keep reading!

Do Employers Check ReferencesEmployers frequently contact many references for each prospective employee, with three references reviewed on average per candidate.


When Do Employers Conduct Reference Checks?

An employer may opt to review a candidate’s references at any point during the recruiting process. A corporation may choose to do a reference check on a prospective recruit under the following circumstances:

  • When Comparing Candidates:

When deciding between candidates for a post, an employer may choose to contact references.

This gives the company with additional information that can be used to differentiate amongst otherwise comparable candidates and assist in picking the best person for the role.

  • During the Pre-Employment Screening Process:

After selecting a candidate for an open position but before making a formal offer, an employer may choose to contact references.

This is the last chance for the organization to learn more about the prospect and identify any reasons why they should seek a different candidate for the role or confirm their pick.

  • During Employment:

A company may call an employee’s references after they have started working, especially if there is an event or pattern of behavior that requires more information.

Speaking with a prior employer, for example, may enable a present employer to evaluate whether an employee’s behaviors are part of a pattern or a one-time occurrence.

  • When Considering a Promotion, Consider the following:

Internal promotion can be an effective strategy to retain valuable employees and fill mid- and senior-level roles with employees who are already familiar with the company’s processes.

Performing a reference check at this phase can help senior executives in decision-making positions discover more about an employee and determine if they are a good fit for a promotion.

Why Do Employers Ask for References?

A company may request references from a candidate for a variety of reasons, and your future employer may contact your references for one or more of the following:


Speaking with a reference may allow an employer to confirm material in your cover letter, CV, or interviews.

A reference check allows your potential employer to communicate with those in positions of authority to confirm the information you gave is correct.

For example, if your CV mentions a successful advertising campaign in which you participated, an employer may contact a company reference to validate the legitimacy of your role on the project.

This lends additional credibility to your statements.


An employer may also call your references to learn more about the information you provided them.

Speaking with a reference who was also present may provide further information about the responsibilities or achievements you addressed.

This enables your future employer to ask questions and receive responses, providing a more comprehensive knowledge of your experience and qualifications.

Unbiased Assessment

An employer may call your references as a more objective source of information about you and your qualifications.

Although a reference may have a personal connection with a candidate in addition to professional connections, your future employer may see them as a more objective source because they are a third party.

This is especially true for asked recommendations: you are more inclined to supply references who will speak highly of your performance.

What Questions do Employers ask References?

When contacting a reference, a potential employer may choose to cover a variety of topics. Although there may be specific issues relating to specific areas of interest from your discussions with the possible employer, frequent topics when chatting with  a reference include:

  • Your Resume’s Accuracy:

Your prospective employer wants to know that the information you gave when applying for the position is correct. A potential employer can ensure that they comprehend the information provided by contacting one or more references.

  • Your Job Credentials are:

A potential employer may ask a professional reference how qualified they believe you are for the job.

Your references may be able to supply additional information that your potential employer does not have access to because they have greater experience with you.

  • Your Intangible Qualities:

Some aspects of professional performance do not readily appear on a résumé or in an interview.

Speaking with those who know you well may allow them to give critical information about you that they believe will help your potential employer better grasp your skills.

  • How you Blend in with a Group:

Teamwork can be essential in jobs that demand coordination with one or more coworkers. Speaking with references who know you personally or professionally may give a potential employer insight into how you work with others.


  • Your Situational Habits:

Cultural fit is another important factor for many firms when filling an open position, and they may use a talk with references to learn more about you or your personality.

This allows a potential employer to assess how well you might fit in with other employees and the company’s broader culture.

Although it is usual to ask an applicant for a position why they are leaving their present employer, a company hiring for an open position may seek a second opinion on the reasons surrounding your departure from your former work.

Inquiring about the facts of your leaving with a reference may provide useful information about the reasons you opted to seek a new job and how you handled it with your current company.

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