The Millennium Fellowship for Undergraduate Student Leaders, presented by the United Nations Academic Impact and Millennium Campus Network, is a program designed to nurture emerging leaders.

Millennium Fellowship

The program, known as the Millennium Palace Shop, spans a semester and takes place on campus. It’s supported by MNC and the United Nations Academic Impact, to elevate leadership among students.

This initiative brings students together, challenges them, and acknowledges their courageous leadership in pursuing sustainable development goals within their campuses and local communities.

What Is Millennium Fellowship?

Millennium Fellows are university freshmen who have demonstrated leadership in projects that advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within their local communities.

They participate in a semester-long leadership development program to enhance their skills in student organizing, partnership building, and community impact.


Benefits of the Fellowship

The Fellowship offers various benefits, including:

1. Certificate of appreciation from Millennium Campus Network and United Nations Academic Impact.

2. Valuable leadership experience.

3. Access to a global network of leaders.

4. Knowledge of community-based social change.

5. Instruction and coaching.

6. Participation in a global community network with over 7,000 peers from 300+ universities across 50+ countries.

Eligibility Criteria for Millennium Fellowship

To be eligible for the Millennium Fellowship, candidates must be undergraduate students in good academic standing.

They should be at least 18 years old at the time of application. Participants must commit to meeting in person with Campus Directors and Fellows at least eight times during the program, which runs from August to November 2024.

Additionally, they should be working on or planning to work on a project that promotes at least one Sustainable Development Goal during the program’s duration.

Application Procedure for Millennium Fellowship Programme

Each chosen campus center typically hosts 8–20 Millennium Fellows, so applicants are encouraged to motivate their peers and classmates to apply as well.

When applying, candidates must submit their Millennium Fellowship Project, which should align with at least one Sustainable Development Goal and one UNAI principle.

The project should also be time-bound, and achievable during the Millennium Fellowship period (August to November).

Examples of projects include leading a college group that supports UN objectives, writing a series on the Sustainable Development Goals for a campus newspaper, running a social business, conducting groundbreaking research that aligns with UN goals, or initiating a collaborative project to advance UN objectives on campus or in the local community.

Meet The Fellows

To meet the Fellows participating in the program, you can visit the official fellowship program’s webpage.

From there, you can navigate to the “Meet the Fellows” section, where you can filter Fellows based on location, country, and university to learn more about their profiles and contributions.


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