How to cancel audiobooks: Are you fed up with paying for your subscription? We offer the simplest and quickest way to end your subscription to the subscription-based rental app firm.

How to Cancel Audiobooks

You have access to more than 10,000 audiobooks and more than 100 million podcast episodes through your account. Along with new releases, you also have access to the industry’s top sellers.

What is, sometimes shortened and abbreviated to Audiobooks, is a popular subscription service in the community of book lovers.

You can purchase audiobooks to stream offline or use your premium membership to stream your preferred titles without downloading them.

If you’ve tried and decided the service isn’t for you, follow these steps to easily and swiftly cancel your subscription.

Cancellation of Plans

1. Please visit the My Account part of the website while logged in or get in touch with our Customer Service Team to cancel your subscription. Upon confirmation, cancellations take effect right away.

2. All purchased items will stay in your My Books account after cancellation, however, all titles from the VIP Rewards program will be deleted. All purchased content will be deleted from your family members’ accounts upon cancellation if you are the family plan’s principal account holder.

3. Refunds are given by at our sole discretion. Refunds for any subscription fees are not available from us.

4. If you stream an audiobook and find its content faulty, please contact our Customer Service Team. Also, if the file is determined to be flawed, we will replace the file. If the file is determined to be sound and the problem has occurred on the user end, we will attempt to help resolve the problem.

READ ALSO!! Requirements

1. To use the Services, you must be at least 18 years old or have parental consent.

2. You acknowledge that if you are using a credit card to make payments, you are the account holder for that card or you have the cardholder’s express consent to use the card.

3. You agree to give true, current, and complete information that is necessary for our relationship, as well as to keep such information current on your “My Account” page.

4. The Services are accessible worldwide, although the library of content will differ by location depending on the distribution rights for each title.


Members of the Audiobooks Subscription agree to pay a monthly recurring cost, authorizing us to charge membership dues and any relevant taxes, up to the time the account is canceled over the phone or online.

Membership fees are subject to alteration at a predetermined period or at’s discretion with notification to you, including special pricing and time-limited offers. Plan Terms

Members of agree to pay a monthly subscription fee using a credit card (or another payment method) and authorize us to deduct membership fees and all relevant taxes up to the time the account is canceled over the phone or online.

With prior notice to you, membership fees, special pricing, and time-limited offers are all subject to change at a predetermined period or at’s discretion.

1, 2, and 3 Book Membership Plans

Credits are given to the 1, 2, and 3 Book Membership Plans, which can be used to buy content. The following conditions apply to the 1, 2, and 3 Book Membership Plans: Rollover: 1, 2, and 3 Book Members may roll over unused credits each month.

However, monthly membership credits from expire three months after they are granted, and any extra credits you buy will likewise do so.


FAQs on How to Cancel Audiobooks

We have some frequently asked questions and answers about how to cancel audiobooks below for you:

1. What is the VIP Rewards program and how can I participate?

A specially chosen selection of VIP Rewards books are available for all members (even those who are still on their free trial) to download for free each month.

Every month, on the first of the month, the selection of VIP Rewards books will be updated. At that time, you can browse the new selection and choose one book for a free download.

As long as you are a member and have a valid subscription, all of your VIP Rewards books will continue to be available in your library.

2. What is InstaCredit?

Instantly purchasing an additional credit and applying it to an audiobook without leaving the app is simple and hassle-free with InstaCredit.

You can only utilize the InstaCredit feature if your account is empty of all leftover credits. Make sure the InstaCredits option is turned on in the Settings menu before using it.

Next, pick the desired book and adhere to the pop-up instructions. Instantaneously, a credit will be acquired and redeemed for that book.

3. Can I Cancel my Membership?

Some relationships just aren’t meant to be, which is why there are absolutely no restrictions on when you can cancel your membership.

Go to the My Account section of the website (the link is in the top right when you’re logged in) and cancel online with the click of a link.

4. How do I Cancel a pre-order?

Log into your account on our website and click “My Account” in the top right corner of the page to cancel a pre-order.

Then, after selecting “View Pre-orders Page,” a list of all of your completed, ongoing, and canceled pre-orders will appear.

Click “Cancel This Pre-order” to revoke an active pre-order that is awaiting fulfillment. If you choose to cancel, a pop-up will ask you to confirm; nothing else will need to be done.

5. How do I Pre-order an Audiobook?

Select the “Pre-order” button on the audiobook’s book details page to start the pre-order process. Then finish the checkout procedure.

If you have credit available, you can pay by credit or opt to have the purchase price charged at a la carte rates when it is released.

The pre-ordered audiobook will show up in your My Books after its release date, and you will be informed. Please be aware that starting on the day of publication, all pre-ordered audiobooks will only be accessible as downloads.

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