Java Interview Questions: In today’s IT business, Java is the most extensively used programming language. One key reason for the large number of novices and professionals in the field of programming is the employment opportunities that come with Java expertise.

Java Interview QuestionsThis article serves the same goal. Here is a comprehensive guide to assisting you in answering the most frequently asked Core Java Interview questions.

Best Java Interview Questions for Freshers

So, let’s begin with the first set of basic core Java technical interview questions that are primarily useful for freshers.

1. What are the differences between C++ and Java?


C++ is not platform-independent; the C++ programming philosophy is “write once, compile anywhere.”

Java programs, on the other hand, are written once and run everywhere because the byte code created by the Java compiler is platform-independent and can run on any system.

Languages are compatible

C++ is a computer language built on the C programming language. Most other high-level languages are C++-compatible.

The majority of Java languages are incompatible. Java’s capabilities are equivalent to those of C and C++.

Engagement with the library

In C++, it has direct access to the native system libraries. As a result, it’s superior for system-level programming.

Java’s native libraries do not support direct calls. You can utilize the Java Native Interface or access the libraries.


C++ distinguishes itself by sharing features with procedural and object-oriented programming languages. The feature that distinguishes Java is automated garbage collection.

Destructors are not currently supported by Java.

The type’s semantics

In C++, primitive and object types have the same meaning. Java’s primitives, objects, and classes, on the other hand, are inconsistent.

In terms of Compiler and Interpreter

Java is a compiled and interpreted programming language. C++, on the other hand, is merely a compiled language.

The source code in Java is the compiled result, which is a platform-independent byte code.

The source programme in C++ is compiled into object code, which is then executed to create output.

2. What are the characteristics of the Java programming language?

Some of the most important characteristics of the Java Programming Language are:

  • Java is a language that is considered simple to learn. One essential notion of OOP Java must be understood.
  • Java offers a secure feature that aids in the development of a virus-free and tamper-proof system for users.
  • OOP: OOP is an abbreviation for Object-Oriented Programming language. OOP denotes that everything in Java is considered an object.
  • Java is not compiled into a platform-specific machine; rather, it is compiled into platform-independent bytecode. The Virtual Machine that operates the platform interprets this code.
  • JRE Package does not get an installer but has only a runtime environment

3. What is a ClassLoader?

In Java, a classloader is a component of the Java Virtual Machine that is responsible for loading class files when a program is executed; ClassLoader is the first to load the executable file.

Java classloaders include Bootstrap, Extension, and Application.


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4. What Memory Allocations are possible in JavaJava?

Memory allocations in Java are classified into five categories:

  • Class Memory
  • Heap Memory
  • Stack Memory
  • Programme Counter-Memory
  • Native Method Stack Memory

5. What are the differences between Heap and Stack Memory in Java?

Stack memory in data structures is the amount of memory allocated to each individual programme. It is a fixed memory space.

Heap memory, in contrast, is the portion that was not assigned to the Java code but will be available for use by the Java code when it is required, which is generally during the program’s runtime.

6. Will the program run if we write static public void main?

Yes, the program will successfully execute if written so. Because, in Java, there is no specific rule for the order of specifiers.

7. What should the intended outcome of the following code section be?

public school Simplilearn


(String args[]) public static void main


System.out.println(100 + 100 + “Simplilearn”)

Println(“E-Learning Company” + 100 + 100);



The following are the solutions to the two print statements:

  • 200Simplilearn
  • E-Learning Corporation100100

8. What is an association?

An association is a partnership in which one party has no control over another. A person, for example, can be affiliated with numerous banks, and a bank can be associated with multiple persons, but no one can own the other.

9. What exactly do you mean by aggregation?

Aggregation describes the relationship between two classes as a “whole/part” and “has-a” relationship. This is the most specialized type of association connection. It has ownership of another class since it contains a reference to another class.

10. Define Copy Constructor In Java,.

In Java, a Copy Constructor is a constructor that initializes an object by using another object of the same class.

11. What exactly is a Marker Interface?

In Java, an empty interface is known as a Marker interface. Some well-known Marker Interface examples are Serializable and Cloneable.

12. What is object cloning?

Object Cloning in Java refers to the capacity to produce an object that is identical to an existing object. To clone a current object with the same functionality as the original, Java provides the clone() method.

13. Is Java the full object-oriented programming language?

No, Java cannot be considered a full object-oriented programming language.

14. What exactly is an object-oriented paradigm?

A paradigm based on the notion of “Objects.” It includes both data and code. Data in the form of fields, and regulation in the form of procedures. The object’s methods may access and often edit the data fields itself, which is an intriguing feature of this paradigm.


15. In Java, define Wrapper Classes

When basic datatypes are declared in Java, Wrapper classes are responsible for transforming them into objects (Reference types).

16. In Java, what is a singleton class? And how do you create a singleton class?

A singleton class is one that can only have one object at a time. The following steps must be taken to implement a singleton class:

  • Make certain that the class only has one object.
  • Give that object global access.

17. Define package in Java

The package is a collection of classes and interfaces, as well as the required libraries and JAR files. The usage of packages aids in code reuse.

18. Is it possible to use pointers in a Java programme?

The Java Virtual Machine handles implicit memory management. Java’s main goal was to make programming as simple as possible. As a result, accessing memory directly through pointers is not advised. As a result, pointers are no longer used in Java.

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