Python Interview Questions: Python is one of the most widely used programming languages today. This object-oriented language is used by major organisations around the world to create programmes and applications.

Python Interview Questions

Some of the most frequently asked questions in Python job interviews in many sectors may be found here.

In this article, we will look at the most often requested Python interview questions and answers that can help you shine and receive great job offers.

About Python Programme

Guido van Rossum created Python, which was initially released on February 20, 1991. It is one of the most popular and frequently used programming languages, and since it is interpreted, it allows for the incorporation of dynamic semantics.

It is likewise a free and open-source language with straightforward syntax. This makes learning Python simple for developers. Python also enables object-oriented programming and is widely used for general-purpose programming.

Python’s popularity is skyrocketing due to its simplicity and ability to achieve various capabilities in fewer lines of code.

Python is also utilised in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, Web Scraping, and a variety of other disciplines because of its ability to handle sophisticated calculations through the usage of powerful libraries.

As a result, python developers are in high demand in India and throughout the world. Companies are eager to provide incredible advantages and rewards to these professionals.

Python Interview Questions for Freshers

Below are the Python questions for freshers:

1. What is Python? What are the benefits of using Python?

Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted programming language. Because it is a general-purpose language, it can be used to create almost any type of application with the appropriate tools and libraries.

Python also offers objects, modules, threads, exception handling, and automated memory management, which aid in the modelling of real-world issues and the development of programs to address them.

Python has the following advantages:

  • Python is a general-purpose programming language with a simple, easy-to-learn syntax that emphasises readability and hence lowers programme maintenance costs.
  • Furthermore, the language is scriptable, open-source, and supports third-party packages, promoting modularity and code reuse.
  • Its high-level data structures, in conjunction with dynamic type and dynamic binding, attract a large developer community for Rapid Application Development and deployment.

2. What is dynamically typed programming?

Before we can grasp a dynamically typed language, we must first understand what typing is. Typing is the term used to describe type-checking in computer languages.

Because strongly typed languages, such as Python, do not support “type-coercion” (implicit data type conversion), “1” + 2 will result in a type error. A weakly typed language, such as Javascript, will simply return “12” as a response.

There are two steps to type-checking:

  • Static – Before execution, data types are verified.
  • Data Types are verified dynamically during execution.

Python is an interpreted language that executes each statement line by line, therefore type-checking occurs during execution. Python is thus a Dynamically Typed Language.

3. What is an interpreter language?

Line by line, an Interpreted language performs its statements. Python, Javascript, R, PHP, and Ruby are all instances of interpretable languages.

Programs created in an interpreted language execute immediately from the source code, with no compilation phase in between.


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4. What is PEP 8 and why is it so important?

PEP is an abbreviation for Python Enhancement Proposal. A PEP is an official design document that provides information to the Python community or describes a new feature or procedure for Python.

PEP 8 is extremely important since it outlines the Python Code style rules. Contributing to the Python open-source community appears to need to adhere to these style rules truly and carefully.

5. What is the meaning of Scope in Python?

Every object in Python has its own scope. In Python, a scope is a piece of code when an object stays relevant. All items inside a program are uniquely identified by namespaces.

These namespaces, however, have a scope defined for them, which allows you to use their objects without any prefixes. Here are a few examples of Python scope created during code execution:

  • The local objects available in the current function are referred to as the local scope.
  • A global scope refers to the things that have been available from the beginning of code execution.
  • The global objects of the current module that are available in the program are referred to as module-level scopes.
  • An outermost scope includes all of the program’s built-in names. To discover the name reference, the items in this scope are searched last.

NOTE: Using keywords like global, local scope objects may be synchronized with global scope objects.

6. What are Python namespaces?

In Python, a namespace refers to the name that is allocated to each object. Variables and functions are the objects. Each object’s name and space (the address of the outer function in which the item is) are created as it is formed.

Python keeps namespaces like a dictionary, with the key being the namespace and the value being the address of the object. Python has four types of namespaces:

  • Built-in namespaces- contain all of the built-in objects in Python and are accessible while Python is executing.
  • Global namespaces- are namespaces for all objects produced at the main program level.
  • Enclosing namespaces- These are namespaces at a higher level or function.
  • Local namespaces- are those that exist at the local or inner function level.

7. What are decorators in Python?

Decorators are used to add design patterns to a function while keeping its structure intact. Decorators are often defined prior to the function they are improving.

To use a decorator, we must first specify its function. Then we write the function to which it is applied and simply place the decorator function above the function to which it must be applied. We do this by putting the @ sign before the decorator.

8. How can I join dataframes in Pandas?

In Python, data frames may be concatenated in the following ways:

  • Concatenating them by vertically stacking the two data frames.
  • Concatenating them by horizontally stacking the two data frames.
  • Putting them together on a single column. This is known as joining.

9. What new features are included in Python

The new features in Python are as follows:

  • New Dictionary features Update(|=) and Merge(|)
  • Remove Prefixes and Suffixes from Strings
  • Generics with Type Hints in Standard Collections
  • PEG-based parser rather than LL1-based parser
  • Zoneinfo and graphlib are two new modules.
  • Improved Modules such as ast, asyncio, and so on.
  • Optimizations include improved syntax for assignment, signal handling, and optimized Python built-ins, among other things.
  • Deprecated commands and functions, such as deprecated parser and symbol modules, deprecated functions, and so on.
  • Error-free methods, functions, and so forth.


10. How does Python handle memory?

Python manages memory in the following ways:

  • Python’s memory management is handled via the Python private heap area. Python objects and data structures are all stored in their own heap.
  • This secret heap is not accessible to the programmer. Instead, the Python interpreter handles this.
  • Python’s memory management is in charge of allocating heap space for Python objects. The core API provides the programmer with access to various coding tools.
  • Python also has a garbage collector, which recycles all unused memory and allows it to be reused.

11. What is namespace in Python?

A namespace is a naming system that ensures names are unique in order to avoid naming disputes.

12. What exactly is PYTHONPATH?

It is an environment variable that is utilized when importing a module. When a module is imported, PYTHONPATH is also checked to see if the imported modules are present in any of the directories.

It is used by the interpreter to determine which module to load.

13. What are Python modules? What are some of the most often used Python built-in modules?

Python modules are files that contain Python code. This code may consist of functions, classes, or variables. Python modules files that contain executable code.

Some of the commonly used built-in modules are:

  • os
  • sys
  • math
  • random
  • data time
  • JSON

14. In Python, what are local variables and global variables?

Variables at the Global Level:

  • Global variables are variables declared outside of a function or in a global space. Any function in the program can access these variables.

Variables at the local level:

  • A local variable is any variable declared within a function. This variable exists in local space but not in global space.

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