How to Cancel a Job Interview: During the employment process, an unforeseen circumstance may force you to cancel an interview. You can keep a professional relationship with the employer and interviewer by calling or emailing a cancellation notice. Continue reading!

How to Cancel a Job InterviewLearning how to cancel an appointment will help you be nice and follow fundamental business etiquette.

In this post, we will explore how to cancel an interview as well as present a template and example of how to cancel an interview through email.

Why Should you Postpone or Cancel an Interview?

You may need to reschedule an interview for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Another firm made you a job offer.
  • You learnt more about the company or position and realised you weren’t a good match.
  • You’ve chosen to change careers or return to school.
  • You need to relocate and are unable to commute to the company’s headquarters.

Cancelling your interview as soon as possible allows the potential employer to continue their hiring process without taking you into consideration.

It might assist the interviewer in rescheduling their time to meet their requirements. Cancelling with notice also demonstrates professionalism and allows you to keep in touch with the recruiting manager.

This is especially significant if you anticipate applying with them again in the future.

You may need to reschedule your interview in some situations. If you intend to reschedule, establish a list of alternate times when you’re available so you can prepare for the interview right away.

Cancelling an Interview via Phone or Email

The following are the essential procedures for cancelling an interview by email:

1. Please Provide Your Notice as Soon as Feasible:

If you decide to cancel an interview, notify the recruiting manager as soon as feasible. This is very crucial if you need to reschedule.

If at all possible, attempt to cancel your interview at least a day ahead of time. Giving appropriate notice demonstrates respect for their time and will aid in the rescheduling process.

You can phone or send an email depending on how you’ve been talking with the recruiting manager.

If you need to cancel urgently, contact so that it delivered as soon your message as possible. You can send an email at least a day in advance if you’ve been engaging with the interviewer via email.

If you cannot attend an interview, please contact the interviewer as soon as possible. Show them courtesy by informing them well in advance that you will be unable to attend.

Make sure you have a good explanation for cancelling the interview.

2. Make Plans to Reschedule if Necessary

If you are unable to attend the interview due to unexpected circumstances, you may request a reschedule.

Call or email to let the interviewer know when you’re available for an interview, apologise for any inconvenience, and reassure the interviewer that you’re still interested in the role.

It might be beneficial to explain why you need to reschedule so that they grasp the situation. If you’re a good applicant, the hiring manager could be ready to work with you to schedule another interview.

3. Be Succinct and Kind

When cancelling an interview, you are not required to provide a reason, however doing so is typical in this situation. If you must provide an explanation, keep it succinct and professional. You may elaborate it in one or two sentences.

Be kind, especially if you anticipate applying for another employment with the same firm or perhaps the same recruiting manager in the future.

Thank the individual for their time and apologise for the cancellation. Being courteous might assist you in maintaining your professional network.

4. Mention the Details of the Interview

Make sure to provide the date, time, and place of the interview when you phone or email. Include the post for which you intend to interview.

Hiring managers may be working with several candidates for various positions at the same time, so make it as simple as possible for them to recognise you.

Included information might assist them with finding your interview slot on the calendar and planning their schedule accordingly.

Interview Cancellation Email Examples

These examples follow the provided templates:

Cancellation email example

Subject: Josie Mong—Interview cancellation

Dear Mr. Eminence,

Thank you for contacting me about the open database administrator position at MegaSports. I’m writing to inform you that I must cancel the interview arranged on March 8 at 2 p.m. at your headquarters.

While I appreciate the offer, I am unable to interview for this position at this time. I’ve chosen to relocate overseas in order to be closer to my family.

I apologise for any difficulty and thank you for your time and concern.

Josie Mong

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