Oracle Hiring Process: The Oracle hiring process is known for being difficult, and for many candidates, it may be a nerve-wracking experience. However, with this guide below, you will have better chances of getting hired. Keep reading!

Oracle Hiring Process

About Oracle 

Oracle is a global computer technology company that focuses largely on creating and marketing cloud-engineered systems, database software, and technologies.

The business also produces database development tools for supply chain management, ERP, and CRM programs. They established the company in 1977 and have its headquarters in Redwood Shores, California.

After Microsoft, Oracle had the second-highest revenue among software manufacturers in 2015. The business received a Channel Champs Award the same year for having the finest CRM software.


Oracle Hiring Process

The Oracle interview process is famous for being difficult, and for many candidates, it may be a nerve-wracking experience.

Oracle is a global computer technology company that focuses largely on creating and marketing cloud-engineered systems, database software, and technologies.

The business also produces database development tools for supply chain management, ERP, and CRM programs. The company was established in 1977 and has its headquarters in Redwood Shores, California.

After Microsoft, Oracle had the second-highest revenue among software manufacturers in 2015. The business received a Channel Champs Award the same year for having the finest CRM software.

Oracle Selection Process:

Choosing potential employees for a business or organization is known as the selection in the context of job hiring.

There is a selection step in the Oracle Recruitment process when choices are made on the feasibility of a particular candidate’s employment application.

It immediately impacts an organization’s general productivity. Making the proper choice may improve a company’s overall performance while making the wrong choice might result in material and financial loss.

They can choose the most qualified applicants from all applicants with the aid of an ideal selection procedure. Candidates are chosen based on their abilities, expertise, knowledge, experience, and a variety of other relevant qualities.

To be hired by Oracle, candidates must pass a three-stage selection process:

1. Written Exam

2. Oracle Interview Process

  • Technical Interview
  • HR Interview

Written Exam

Academic Criteria:

  • 60 percent or above in B.Tech, Class X, and XII
  • A gap of up to one year is allowed

Test Pattern

SectionNumber of QuestionsTime Limit
Aptitude (Quantitative + Logical Reasoning )2030
Contextual Communication2020
General Computer Programming2025

Test Description

  • Quantitative, logical reasoning and flowchart-based problems are included in the aptitude part.
  • Contextual Communication includes questions on grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
  • Questions on data structures, operating systems, databases, C++, and Big O Notation are covered in general computer programming.
  • There are two questions in the programming section. You get to choose one question, while the other one is dependent on printing a pattern.
  • Overall, the paper’s level of difficulty is low. Only those applicants who pass the written test will advance to the next round.

Oracle Interview Process

Technical and HR interviews are both parts of the Oracle interview process. These are the specifics of each stage:

Technical Interview

In this round, they posed queries pertaining to certain technological domains. When applying for a job, candidates may be asked to answer questions based on their knowledge of the technical operations of the organization, their comprehension of the technical tasks involved, or their ability to resolve real-world technical issues.


HR Interview

Interviews are the last phase in the hiring process since they assist to ascertain a candidate’s personality. Your introduction, qualifications, experience, industry-specific experience, completed courses, strengths and weaknesses, wage expectations, friends and family, etc. can all be topics for questions.

Clearing the Oracle Recruitment Process calls for well-thought-out preparation with the proper direction and inspiration.

CLICK HERE to Apply directly

NOTE: The Company maintains the right to modify the written examination.

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