The Tips on How to Answer Exams Questions and Score High will be given out in this piece as Passing exams with high scores needs other strategic techniques other than just reading your books.

Tips On How To Answer Exams Questions and Score High 

You will often hear statements from students like “I read well for that exam but still didn’t pass” or “I did all my assignments, attended classes, and wrote well but I didn’t pass”.

Yes, you can do all these and still don’t pass your exams nor score high because of simple mistakes that can cost you your grades.

Furthermore, the way your examination questions will greatly determine your examination success.

The importance of acquiring this skill cannot be over-emphasized. The way you answer or present your answers determines how you will be marked and the grade you will be given.

Therefore, you’d have to write to make your reader, which is in this case your lecturer or examiner enjoy what you’ve written.


In order to help you develop the skill of answering examination questions properly, we have enumerated the most note-worthy Tips On How To Answer Exams Questions and Score High below for your consumption:

Tips on How to Answer Exams Questions

In all you do in the Exam venue, make sure to follow these tips to the letter in order to scale your exams with flying colors

1. Pay Attention to Instructions 

Before you start answering your exam questions, read all instructions carefully and also listen to verbal instructions in the exam hall given by your examiner or lecturer.

Just like a manual in a newly purchased item, examination instructions serve as a guideline for answering questions.

In this instruction, you might find compulsory questions with high marks attached to them in a particular number.

If you didn’t read the instruction and probably just went ahead to answer any question you find appealing to you, you might be jeopardizing your chances of answering the questions with the most marks.

2. Comprehend the Question

Read the question carefully and make sure you try to understand what is expected of you while answering the questions.

Underline or highlight the most important words or phrases in the question to help you stay focused on answering the question.

Identify the keywords in the question. Lecturers or examiners use certain keywords in essay exams to ask questions and communicate what they want you to do.

Certain questions may start or include certain phrases such as “enumerate”, analyze”, “compare”, “contrast”, “discuss”, “evaluate”, “define” etc.

These keywords in any question need to be approached differently. Let’s examine this lot below:

  • Enumerate: this simply means list out your points accordingly or separately for emphasis
  • Analyze: this means you need to answer the “6 ‘W’ questions about the subject matter” (what, how, where, when, why, and who)
  • Compare: assess the similarities between two things
  • Contrast: assess the differences between two things
  • Discuss: write exhaustively about something. You first describe it then you go ahead to talk about the positive and negative
  • Evaluate: offer either a positive or negative stand about a statement or situation.
  • Define: give a direct meaning of something.

3. Answer The Question You Know Best First

First impressions matter a lot!!!

Starting an exam with the question you know best boosts your confidence. It is also a sure way to put your examiner in the right mood while he marks your paper.

Why is this so?

It is so because your marker or lecturer might quickly begin to lose interest in what you’re writing or talking about when he or she senses hesitation that results from inadequate knowledge about the topic being written or spoken about.

After that, you can then focus on the other ones you know less about. Just create a good first impression.


4. Make Your Answers Captivating

While answering questions make sure your answers are captivating and attention-grabbing.

You know your lecturers and you know which one you should be brief while stating the main points. You also know which one requires you to write elaborately.

It is best you list out some points first (this is eye-catchy) before explaining them in detail.

You may also include points that you might have encountered while studying, which ordinarily were not discussed in class when answering questions.

This proves to your examiner that you know exactly what you are doing. However, do not bring in irrelevant points to avoid losing marks.

Make paragraphs where necessary in your essay answers, use the right punctuation and use capital letters where necessary.

Include captivating phrases like “by and large”, “therefore”, “absolutely” etc. These keywords will make your essay answers appear good and appropriate.

5. Write Neatly and Boldly

If your answers are handwritten you need to make them bold. Write your answers neatly and avoid too much cancelation.

Think well before you write so you don’t end up messing everything up

6. Be Time Conscious

While answering your questions and thinking about your numerous answers, be time conscious. Do not waste too much time on a particular question.

You can set yourself up with a particular number of minutes, once you hit it, you move to the next question.

This will help you finish on time, read your answers, and correct mistakes where necessary.

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