NHS Scholarship: Providing chances for your students and engaging in their leadership development takes dedication, effort, and money, but you are not alone. NASSP provides a set of tools, supports, and resources for advisors and schools to successfully operate an NHS chapter from beginning to end:

  • Adviser Online Community

Connect with other NHS advisers throughout the UK who can answer difficult questions, provide good advice, and provide new views.

  • Adviser Resource Center

Get step-by-step instructions, example bylaws, member handbooks, program constitutions, and more. This online gateway is intended to help advisers navigate every aspect of operating a successful NHS chapter.

  • On-demand Customer Care

Our skilled team of professionals is ready to assist you in successfully managing your NHS chapter. There is no doubt about how large or little!

  • National Student Project Database

Search over 11,000 service project ideas submitted by honour society chapters and student councils around the country.

  • Adviser Webinar Series

Presented both in life and on-demand throughout the school year, each webinar provides insights, resources, and guidance on four major topics: return to school, advisor fundamentals, student profiles, and awards.

  • Workshops for advisers

Attend our annual LEAD conference, which includes specific seminars for advisors.

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NHS Scholarship

About NHS Scholarship

For almost a century, National Honor Society (NHS) membership has been the ultimate measure of student success, but it is much more than just a report card.

NHS empowers, champions, and recognizes well-rounded students, providing schools with a values-based framework for elevating a culture of study, service, leadership, and character.

NHS chapters exist in all 50 states and several schools across the world, involving and serving over 1.4 million kids. Annually, the typical NHS chapter contributes:

  • 1,000 hours of school/community service
  • $26,000 in charitable donations
  • 1,000 pounds of food to local, state, and national causes
  • 100 pints of blood

The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) formed NHS in 1921 to reflect school leaders’ strong dedication to student leadership development.

The four pillars of NHS are scholarship, service, leadership, and character. In addition to NHS, NASSP established and runs the National Junior Honor Society (1928), the National Student Council (1931), and the National Elementary Honor Society (2008).

NHS Scholarship Eligibility

To qualify, a student must be:

  • A high school senior who expects to graduate within the current academic year.
  • An active member in good standing of a National Honor Society chapter who has fulfilled all the local chapter’s membership qualifications and duties.
  • An NHS student account holder, as confirmed by the NHS chapter adviser.
  • To obtain a degree at an approved institution or university in the United States.
  • There are no limitations on the number of applications per chapter.

3 Steps to Apply | Timeline

  1. Create Account
  2. Get Verified
  3. Complete and submit your application

Application Timeline

September 16, 2024: Application opens

November 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. (ET): Submission deadline

February 2025: Applicants receive notifications

April 2025: All-expense paid trip to DC for top 25 scholarship finalists and their advisers

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Why the NHS?

Listening to children helps us become stronger.

Whether your school’s student leadership is flourishing, developing, or somewhere in the middle, NHS is for you.

The NHS program empowers and prepares your students to be revolutionary leaders in your school, community, and beyond. Furthermore, it serves as a vital link between students and school leaders, allowing you to participate and learn about what kids think, feel, and need.

An active NHS chapter membership gives your school and students access to:

LEAD Conferences

LEAD Conferences are designed to help good student leaders become extraordinary. They give NSC, NHS, and NJHS members with national leadership training.

Students will return with new ideas, skills, and drive to bring about good change in their school and community.

NHS Scholarship

Each year, the NASSP awards more than $2 million to NHS senior members who have proven a dedication to the NHS’s four pillars.

The top 25 scholarship winners and counselors will enjoy an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the College and Career Readiness Series.

Live webinars in the college admissions planning process provide students and parents with vital guidance from admissions specialists.

Check out other unique articles on our blog for more detailed information, and do well to share with your friends and family. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay updated with premium information.