Medical Schools in Colorado: Colorado is home to just two medical colleges one allopathic and one osteopathic. Both the Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine and the University of Colorado School of Medicine is extremely selective institutions, just like colleges in other states, and each has its own particular character.

Medical Schools in Colorado

Read on to learn more about each Colorado medical school’s admission rates as well as useful tips to make your application stand out, whether you want to train close to Denver’s bustling downtown or enroll in a DO program whose campus is set against a stunning red rock backdrop.

Medical Schools in Colorado Profiles

The two medical schools in Colorado list below, including their ranking and admission statistics:

1. Rocky Vista University College of Medicine

In order to provide community-based, primary care osteopathic physicians for patients from underprivileged groups, the Rocky Vista University College of Medicine (RVUCOM) seeks out and trains candidates.

The two-year pre-clinical curriculum is the first step for students, during which time they will move through each organ system twice, once with a focus on healthy physiology and once through the lens of various illnesses that may affect that organ system.

Students will also learn about osteopathic concepts and medical techniques during these first two years.

Students will cycle through clinical externship locations throughout their final two years of medical school; the majority of these locations are in Colorado or Utah.

The externship site placements are determined by using a lottery system. Moreover, RVUCOM has a four-year integrated ultrasound curriculum so medical students can become facile with the new diagnostic technology early on in their careers.

The College Ranking and Admission Statistics         

  • US News Ranking: UR
  • Location: Parker
  • Degree: DO
  • Year Est.: 2006
  • Annual Tuition & Fees: $58,530 IS, $58,530 OOS
  • GPA: 3.55
  • MCAT: 506
  • Interview Rate: NA
  • First-Year Class Size: 353 (25.5% IS)

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University of Colorado School of Medicine

Students at the University of Colorado School of Medicine will progress through the Trek Curriculum, which incorporates important ideas from learning theory to make sure that they not only learn the fundamentals of medicine but also have the tools they need to succeed as lifelong learners of medicine.

Lessons on comprehending various memory types, chunking, learning illusions, interleaving, and spaced repetition are specially integrated into the curriculum.

Students will also take part in “base camps” at each learning transition to give them the time and space to build the necessary skills for their upcoming training phase.

These base camps include Orientation Base Camp at the beginning of medical school, the Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship Base Camp prior to clerkship year, the Acting-Intern Base Camp prior to individualized electives and selective, and the Residency Prep Base Camp at the end of medical school.

School Rankings and Admission Statistics           

  • US News Ranking: 1 (27)
  • Location: Aurora
  • Degree: MD
  • Year Est.: 1883
  • Annual Tuition & Fees: $41,584 IS, $67,539 OOS
  • GPA: 3.82
  • MCAT: 515
  • Interview Rate: 23.7% IS
  • 2% OOS
  • First-Year Class Size: 182 (46.2% IS)

Admission Strategies for Colorado Medical School

There are techniques to improve your chances of getting into a Colorado school, even though nobody is guaranteed admission to any medical school:

1. Determine the Type of Program you Want to Pursue (allopathic or osteopathic)

Discover the various strategies so you can decide which is best for you. Given that Colorado only has two medical schools, taking this step will help you make sure you enroll in the school that is the best fit for you.

One of the most underestimated aspects of the medical school admission process is choosing the “appropriate schools” to apply to.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that creating a top-notch application requires time. So even while it can seem simple to add “just one more” program to your list of schools, you run the danger of lowering the standard of your other applications. Focus on your fit with each Colorado medical school in secondary essays and interviews

2. School Training Method

Any medical school interview invitation is a great accomplishment, but each program will conduct interviews in accordance with its own procedures. Learn as much as you can.

Regarding training methods, average MCAT and GPA scores, and other factors, the two medical schools in Colorado are extremely distinct from one another.

Whether you apply to one or both, make sure to express how each school fits in your secondary essays and interviews to increase your chances of getting accepted.

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3. Planning for Different Interview Styles is Beneficial 

Any medical school interview invitation is a great accomplishment, but every school has its own procedures for holding these meetings. As much information as you can

With regard to training methods, average MCAT scores, and GPAs, the two medical schools in Colorado are very dissimilar.

Whether you apply to one or both, make sure to emphasize in secondary applications and interviews how each school fits into your goals to increase your chances of getting accepted.

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