How to Change Home Address on iPhone: Your home address is not automatically recognized by Apple Maps. If you relocate, Apple Maps and its widget will continue to estimate the amount of time it would take you to travel to your old address until you provide it with your new one.

How to Change Home Address on iPhone

The Google Maps app contains a separate field for your home address that you can edit within the program, unlike the Apple Maps app, which does not.

Your Contacts card’s home address is used in its place. It’s simple to navigate the city and return home once you’re done using Apple Maps and Google Maps.

Nothing is more practical than instructing your map app to take you home with a simple click unless the program has the incorrect home address on file for you.

How to Change Home Address on iPhone

Here’s how to solve it on your iPhone by simply updating your home address in both apps.

Apple Maps uses the home address listed on your Contact Card to locate your home address, so you should update it there.

1. Select the Apple Maps app on your iPhone.

2. Tap Home under Favorites.

3. Open My Contact Card with taps.

  • Note: Launching the Phone app and selecting Contact from the bottom menu will also open your contact card. Next, tap your name. On the following screen, in the upper right corner, hit Edit.

4. Scroll down to where it says “Home Address.” Edit it to match your actual address in the upper right corner.

5. Tap Done.


How to Change Your Home Address in Google Maps on an iPhone

Changing your home address in Google Maps is different not that hard.

1. Open Google Maps on your iPhone.

2. Tap Saved in the bottom menu.

3. Tap Labeled.

4. Tap the three horizontal dots next to Home.

5. In the pop-up, select Edit Home.

6. Tap the X button in the text box at the top to clear the current home address.

7. Enter the new address in the text box. After you’re done, you’ll see its pin show up below. Tap the pin to set it as your home address.

Note: If you’ve never set your home address before, you won’t see those three dots. Instead, tap Set once and go under Home, and then enter your home address on the next screen.

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