Are you a high school or college student who enjoys Minecraft? If so, we may have the ideal opportunity for you: the Apex Minecraft Scholarship!

Apex Minecraft Scholarship

There is a scholarship (or several scholarships) available for everyone. Every student possesses some ability, interest, experience, or personality that may make them a strong candidate for one or more scholarships. Read on!


Apex Minecraft Scholarship Overview

Each year, the award offers $2,000 to one candidate who best describes how Apex Minecraft may benefit one’s education and job growth.

Apex Hosting, a server company supporting novice and seasoned server admins, has recommended the scholarship.

If you are a high school or college student who enjoys Minecraft, now is the chance to put your passion to good use by applying for the Apex Minecraft Scholarship!

Eligibility Criteria

This award is offered to students who satisfy the qualifying requirements listed below and have prior experience playing Minecraft. All qualified students must:

  • Be a US citizen.
  • Enrol in college or high school.
  • Maintain a 3.0 or above GPA.
  • Write a brief essay of at least 500 words discussing how Apex Minecraft may benefit education and career development.

There’s no excuse not to try the programme because it’s simple. Please make an effort with your essay because it is the primary approach to make your application stand out.

Application Deadline

Deadline: July 31


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