Star Interview Questions: Behavioural questions are asked in almost every employment interview. They usually begin with “Tell me about a time when…” and can catch unprepared job seekers off guard. What’s the good news? There’s a secret recipe for preparing for and answering these hard questions.

STAR Interview Questions and AnswersThis strategy, known as the STAR interview method, is a means of addressing particular job interview questions simply using specific, real-life examples.

What is the STAR Method?

The STAR technique is an interview tactic that requires applicants to provide a real-life example of how they coped with an issue in the past.

The situation, task, action, and result are all defined by the method. Candidates frequently used it to discuss how they handled various work-related issues.

  • Situation

A work-related event, endeavor, or issue.

  • Tasks and obligations

The tasks and responsibilities you had in the circumstance.

  • Action

The steps you take to repair or finish the assignment.

  • Result

The outcome of your deeds.

How to Prepare for the STAR Method of Interviewing

Below is the way to Prepare for the STAR Method of Interviewing:

  • Examine the job description carefully

Highlight the necessary talents and consider previous occasions in which you had to employ these abilities.

Try to think of one or two instances for each of the essential competencies.

  • Examine the following examples of behavioral interview questions

Similar to the ones described above.

Consider how these questions may be paraphrased, then attempt to come up with your own responses to each one. You may also jot down your responses so you can view them later.

  • Practice your responses

Even if you’re gazing in the mirror, try talking out loud. You may also record your responses and then listen to them. Don’t regurgitate everything like a robot; instead, appear confident yet genuine.


10 Common STAR Interview Questions And Answers

Consider the following list of common STAR interview questions and answers:

1. Tell me about a time when you had a workplace quarrel


I had an argument with a coworker that sprang from a misunderstanding. We had to talk about it and make corrections in order to maintain our work professional and positive.

I sat down with them for lunch one day, paid for their food, and took the initiative by apologizing for my role in the whole issue. We now work effectively together and are frequently commended for our outstanding collaboration.

2. Can you explain a difficult circumstance and how you dealt with it?


I once discovered a health inspection at my previous restaurant only a few hours in before.

As the chief chef, it was my responsibility to ensure that everything in the kitchen and the BOH was in order before the inspector came.

I swiftly brought in staff from the previous shift to assist, leaving the others free to prepare supper for that evening. As a consequence, we aced the inspection, which was less expensive in the long term than providing staff with a few hours of overtime.

3. Can you describe a mistake you made and how you handled it?


I once changed the packaging labels on two parcels I shipped to clients. I needed to solve the situation without upsetting the clients.

I phoned them both and gave them mailing labels with the right addresses, as well as a modest gift card to spend on a future transaction.

Customers not only assisted me in correcting my error, but they were also pleased and intend to return and shop again.

4. Tell me about a moment when you performed admirably under duress


My teammate had to skip work for a while at my previous employment, and their project was left incomplete and without management.

My boss asked me to take on the assignment, and with little leeway on the deadline, I only had days to do a project that should have taken many weeks.

I sought and received decreased weekly targets, which gave me more time to complete the particular project. In terms of weekly objectives, I was able to assign them to coworkers.

With my ambitions decreasing, I was able to devote more attention to the unique project. This enabled me to complete everything on time and with perfect precision.

My boss praised my positive attitude and determination, and I was granted numerous additional tasks after that, as well as a promotion and salary rise.

5. Have you ever encountered a difficult issue with another department?


My department previously had a disagreement with employees of our accounting department. To keep office morale from plunging, we needed to fix the problem.

I offered my staff a little budget and told them to individually choose a nice present for their accounting counterpart. We became friends and strong collaborators after that night and from then on.

6. Give me an example of a goal you accomplished.


Last October, I had to write six articles to keep our blog fresh for the month. I devised an action plan for myself, complete with deadlines for each article’s publication. That month, I finished with six articles written ahead of schedule.

7. Give me an example of a goal you were unable to fulfill and how you dealt with it


Last November, I had to write six articles to keep our blog fresh for the month. Throughout the month, I was assigned minor tasks that diverted my attention away from my primary goal.

I was unable to complete my six postings, but I spoke with my supervisor and outlined all of my extra efforts, and I was also congratulated for my accomplishments.

8. Tell me about a moment when you had to appease a disgruntled customer


As a flight attendant, I had a passenger who seemed to despise his seat next to a crying baby. Before he complained, I decided to explore what I could do to alleviate his pain.

I upgraded that passenger because there were unoccupied seats in business class, and he was overjoyed, while the mother and infant were given more space to spread out.

9. Have you ever had a conflict with a direct report?


I once argued with my boss over how she worded her directions. As her employee, I had to strike a balance between my admiration for her and my English classes at school.

Instead of thrusting a dictionary in her face, I apologized for the uncertainty and explained where we went wrong. She appreciated me a lot more after that and even urged that I be promoted.

10. Describe an instance when you went above and beyond the call of duty


Earlier this year, I had to come into the garden center on a Saturday to do some work that we had fallen behind on. I came in using headphones the entire day and finished everything before noon.

Because I was in such a productive mood, I stayed the entire day and eventually completed tasks that were scheduled for the next few days. Since that day, the garden center has never been late.

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